Italianize Yourself

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The Italian Indefinite Article



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When do you use the Italian indefinite article?


You use it to talk about objects or people in a NON specific way

For example… think of the sentence in English:

"The cat is on the table" vs. "A cat is on the table"

  • In the first sentence you are using the definite article THE and you know that you are talking about a specific cat… you are talking about THAT CAT (the cat)
  • In the second sentence you are using the article A so and indefinite article and when you say


A CAT is on the table you do not really know which cat is on the table, you are not talking about a specific cat... but a cat that you do not know.

The same thing happens with Italian!


The BIG difference is that you have to remember to match gender!

In this case you only have the singular form... no plural!

Let's look at the options that...

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How to say that you are sick in Italian

In this video you will learn how to say in Italian that you are not feeling well or that some part of your body hurts. If you need to review the vocabulary on body parts please also check out this video:

Learn Italian - Vocabulary on Body Parts (with a free download)

Let’s start with the most common sickness or symptoms of illness that you could probably have or feel: a basic cold.

To say that you have a cold you will say

Ho il raffreddore (I have a cold)

The typical symptoms of a cold are

  • A sore throat and to say this you will say:
    • Ho il mal di gola / Mi fa male la gola

MALE - means that something hurts and GOLA mean throat

  • You might have a headache… in this case you will say
    • Ho il mal di testa / Mi fa male la testa

once again… MALE - means that something hurts and TESTA means head

One of the first symptoms that I usually have when I have a cold is a runny nose.

In Italian the nose doesn’t run but it “drips”

  • So you can say: ...
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How to Become Fluent in Italian

I often get asked questions like:

  • How can I become fluent?
  • How did you become bilingual?
  • How can I truly start speaking perfectly in a second language?

I really truly consider myself super lucky because I grew up bilingual since I lived outside of Italy and I attended English speaking schools in both Switzerland and the US and at home we spoke Italian so at an early age I could perfectly speak and write in two languages and I was learning French along the side!

So yes! This is an easy way to learn because you know that there are many researches out there that prove that learning a second language early on in life is good for many reasons but it also means that it is easier for a young brain to store simultaneously all the information regarding two different this is how I became bilingual.

I always tell my students that you learn as you LIVE…. and you learn a language even if you do not live in a country where that specific language is spoken… I...

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Italian Vocabulary - Vegetables - Le Verdure



Are you ready to learn some Italian vocabulary on vegetables? If so check out my new YouTube video!

If you are interested to learn also the vocabulary about fruit you can check out the previous video that I have done on this topic... here is the link:

Learn Italian Vocabulary on Fruit!

Just like for the fruit video also for the veggies I have created a flashcard that you can download and keep as a mini dictionary that you can take anywhere that can be useful if you go out to dinner and you unfortunately do not find a menu in a language that you speak!

In the download you will also find a fun crossword exercise that can help you review and remember the vocabulary on fruit and vegetables.

Download here the flashcard on vegetables and the crossword exercise!

So veggies… ok Italians have a true passion for vegetables we love them so much that many of us have what is called ORTO!

L’orto is a vegetable garden and you can find one in many Italian backyards…...

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20 Italian Sentences that Every Beginner Should Know

Start learning Italian with these 20 easy and useful sentences that every beginner should know!

You can hear the pronunciation and find out the translation of the list of sentences here below by watching this super short but helpful video! 


  1. Come Stai?
  2. Sto bene!
  3. Grazie!
  4. Prego!
  5. Come ti Chiami?… Mi chiamo…
  6. Cosa stai facendo?
  7. Niente!
  8. Hai capito? Sì ho capito… No… non ho capito.
  9. Scusa, non ho capito! Puoi ripetere?
  10. Ho fame… andiamo a mangiare un boccone?
  11. Ho sete… vado a bere un bicchiere d’acqua
  12. Ho sonno… vado a dormire
  13. Sono stanco
  14. Qual è il tuo numero di telefono?
  15. Posso aiutarti?
  16. Perché?
  17. Dove?
  18. Mi scusi, dov’è il bagno?
  19. Quanto costa?
  20. Mi sono perso… dov’è la stazione del treno?

Subscribe to my YouTube channel for more free videos! 

Here is the link to my channel: Italian Language Hub 

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The Italian Definite Article



Ciao! In this lesson you will learn to correctly use the Italian Definitive article… what we call ARTICOLO DETERMINATIVO

The Definitive article in Italian is a little bit more complicated to that of English… so be aware that it might take a bit to fully understand it… the first thing that you need to keep in mind is that

We must be able to identify and choose the correct article based on gender and quantity. So understanding gender and number of nous is very important! If you need to review the video s on this topic please click in the links below:

The Gender of Italian Nouns

Singular and Plural Nouns in Italian

When will you use the definite article?

You will use the definite article (Articolo determinativo) to identify specific objects or people that the person reading or listening is already aware of.

Here is a chart with the different forms of this article. You can download the full lesson and the chart by clicking here.

Download the chart and use...

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Drink Coffee Like a Real Italian!

You know that we Italians have a problem when it comes to coffee... for us it's very important and we insert it in our daily routine. 

Some Italians cannot start their day without their "solito espresso" (usual espresso coffee) and will drink it only at their favorite bar close by home. Coffee is not just a drink but it is truly a lifestyle.

When you go to an Italian bar you will notice that most people will simply ask for an "espresso," but the options from which to choose from are a lot!

For example I usually ask for "un espresso macchiato caldo"... or un "marocchino"... are you curious to know what they are? Look at the video and learn about the different types of Italian coffee that you can order and learn how to actually order one in the Italian way!

Italianize Youself!

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